Southern Farmlands Paraguay

The Concept

Hagen Stahr

CEO Southern Connections

Daniel Elicetche & Asociados 

Tax and Accounting​

Lennart Stahr

Founder and President

Lennart was born and grew up in Namibia - Southern Africa. Lived and worked on farms in Southern Africa and South America all his life. Experienced in agricultural investment management and consulting projects. Passionate about the agricultural industry, as well as finance and entrepreneurship.

Education: Honoris Generalis and Summa Cum Laude in Investment 

                  Management from Lynn University in Boca Raton, Fl.- U.S.A.

                  Postgraduate degree in Business Administration from University of West

                  of England, Bristol U.K.

Certified Instrument Rated Pilot by the FAA. Certified Yachtmaster Offshore by the RYA.

Languages: English, Spanish, German, limited proficiency in Afrikaans and Portuguese

Publications: Livestock Investment Opportunities in Paraguay on Global Ag Investing
                     Dispelling the myths about Paraguay on Agri Investor


Daniel Elicetche & Asociados is Southern Farmland's advisor on all matters related to administrative, tax and accounting.

The firm was created in April of 2008 by the association of prestigious professionals renown in the country and overseas. As a part of Parker Randall International the firm has a vast international reach and experience in assisting foreign institutions or individuals to get established in Paraguay and familiar with farming and related operations.

For more information on the firm, please visit the firm's website here.

Hagen is the CEO and Co-founder of Southern Connections Agro Consulting and Management.

Over 35 years of experience managing cattle farms in Southern Africa and South America and 3rd generation stock breeder. Currently owns a livestock production operation in Uruguay - South America. As CEO of Southern Connections Hagen has a successful track record of managing cattle farms in the Paraguayan Chaco over the last 8 years. Current portfolio includes over 30,000 hectares under management in Paraguay. Very experienced in international beef production and the livestock production industry.

Competed successfully and achieved numerous awards. Served as judge on stock breeding expositions in different continents.

Languages: English, Spanish, German and Afrikaans

We have the longest standing positive track record of any collective investments company in the country.

Southern Farmlands was born out of the realisation that a significant amount of people are interested in investing in farming and related operations in South America, but didn't have access to an appropriate investment vehicle. For direct ownership the minimum investment was simply inaccessible and it was not possible to share the risk with others.

After many years of working in farming related activities in Paraguay with UHNWIs and family offices, we decided to fill that gap and create a vehicle which allows for much lower minimums and the ability to share the involved risks with others. 

Walter advises Southern Farmlands investment projects on all aspects of production management.

Currently a successful dairy farmer in the Alexandria area of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. His milking herd comprises 1000 cows on home farm and 600 cows on another share-milking project. He is an active member of organized agriculture.

He identified the need to invest beyond his countries borders, which led to extensive research for foreign investment opportunities.

Walter decided on Paraguay due to the country's huge growth potential.

Languages: English, Afrikaans

Walter Biggs, South African Representative, Advisor on Farming and Livestock

Stefan Bode

External Investment Advisor

  • Management is carried out by a highly qualified and experienced team with cattle farming experience and know-how spanning 3 different continents 
  • The SF Group counts ± 35 permanent employees and a varying number of external contractors
  • All basic machinery required for successful cattle farming are owned and operated by the SF Group
  • A double auditing system is used to ensure efficiency and transparency
    • The Southern Farmlands office in the Chaco directly processes all relevant data from the operations, including financial control, inputs and outputs, employee management, control of assets, etc.
    • A dedicated accounting firm in Asuncion handles official accounting, advises on tax, ensures compliancy, manages employee registration and social security, etc.
  • Legal matters such as company registrations, official communications, etc. are handled by our internal lawyer 

Stefan serves Southern Farmlands as External Advisor on Global Financial Trends.

Stefan Bode is an advisor for the global financial markets as well as for the communication with German speaking investors. During his 17 years in the financial markets, he has assisted high net worth clients, corporations and foundations with their investment processes. 

Due to his affinity for history and the financial markets, his clients as well as himself invest globally in different sectors, including farmland/grazing land in Paraguay, for which he sees significant growth potential. Anticipating geopolitical upheavals in the coming years, a looming fertilizer shortage, and the deglobalization of the world economy, Stefan believes that non-stock market income will help stabilize annual cash flow.

Languages: English, German, Russian

Carlos is Southern Farmland's internal legal advisor and assists with all matters related to legal counseling, creation and maintenance of legal structures, shareholder registrations, communications and assemblies.

Born in Asunción, Paraguay. He is a lawyer and holds a degree in Communication Sciences. He is a graduate of the School of Law and Social Sciences and the School of Philosophy, both from the National University of Asuncion (UNA).

Founder and President of Cooperativa Multiactiva de Ahorro, Crédito y Servicios Filadelfia Ltda. Founder and Member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Chaco.

He has served as Legal and Communications Advisor in the Municipalities of Asunción, Filadelfia and Mariscal José Félix Estigarribia, as well as Coordinator of the Association of Municipalities of the Central Chaco. He has also served as an advisor to the Central and Boquerón Governors.

Languages: Spanish, Guarani, limited proficiency in Portuguese.

Copyright Southern Farmlands

Dr. Carlos Mendoza

Internal Legal Advisor
